Let’s go back to basics and review a somewhat unusual grammar structure that trips up even fluent non-native speakers. I’m talking about the verb go + ing, also called go + gerund or go + verb + ing.
If you’ve been listening to native speakers, you’ve probably heard them say something like:
- I’m going running after work.
- I went shopping last night.
- Let’s go dancing this weekend.
Many people find this grammar structure tricky because it goes against what you learn when you study the verb “go.”
“Go” should be followed by “to,” right? 🤔
That’s why I hear so many non-native speakers say “go to shopping,” even though it doesn’t work in this case.
Let’s talk about how and why we use go + ing.
We’ll also talk about how to stress it right so that you sound natural when talking about all these activities.
How to Use Go + Ing to Describe Fun Leisure Activities
First things first, we use “go” plus the -ing to describe leisure activities that we do in our free time.
A moment ago, I mentioned “running,” “shopping” and “dancing.”
In other words, we use go + ing to talk about activities that we do for fun.
You’ll notice that many of these activities are outdoor sports or activities that can be pretty physical, although we can also use go + ing with some indoor activities, as well as activities that involve collecting or hunting for things.
For example, we use this structure with these activities:
- go running
- go hiking
- go camping
- go kayaking
- go skating.
You can also use this grammar construction with multiword activities, such as these:
- go horseback riding
- go mountain climbing
- go scuba diving.
Like I said, you can use go + ing when talking about activities that involve hunting and collecting:
- go shopping
- go apartment hunting
- go berry picking.
Why We Use Go + ing in English
Here’s what you need to understand about using go + ing:
We’re talking about the whole activity and the whole experience, not just the action described by the verb.
Think about everything that’s involved with going swimming: wearing a swimsuit, putting on sunscreen, walking or driving to the pool or the beach, swimming laps or enjoying the waves, getting wet and then toweling off afterwards.
When you say, “I’m going swimming,” we get a mental picture of that entire activity, not just the action of swimming.
Go + ing gives us a mental image of the entire activity, start to finish.
If I just wanted to talk about the action of swimming, then I would say that: I swam 10 laps in the pool before work.
In that example, I’m just talking about the action I did to achieve those 10 laps.
(If you’re wondering about the origin of this unusual grammar structure, check out this interesting discussion. In short, it comes from Old English. You’ll sometimes hear it with the prefix “a-” in old songs, such as the popular Christmas carol “Here We Come A-Caroling.”
This related discussion references my explanation above, and provides references to research papers that delve deeper into the roots of this structure, for those who are interested.)
How to Use the Go + ing Grammar Structure Correctly
Now let’s talk about using the go + ing grammar structure correctly.
We can conjugate the verb “go” into any verb tense, but the -ing form stays the same, no matter what.
Here are some examples in a number of different verb tenses:
- Present Simple: He goes running every day after work.
- Present Continuous: They‘re going bowling this weekend.
- Present Perfect: I‘ve gone camping five times this summer.
- Present Perfect Continuous: She‘s been going hiking a lot recently.
- Future with “To Be Going To”: My sister is going to go surfing in Peru next year.
- Future with “Will”: Sure, I’ll go shopping with you!
- Past Simple: We went horseback riding during our last vacation.
- Conditional: If I lived near a lake, I would go kayaking more often.
- Modal Verbs: We could go salsa dancing on Saturday.
How to Stress Go + ing Correctly
To say the go + ing structure more naturally, you want to stress it right.
In this case, think of “go” like any other auxiliary verb and treat it like a function word.
You’re going to stress the base form of the -ing verb:
- SHOPping,
- DANcing,
- HIking.
Remember, when we stress a syllable, we make it longer, louder and higher in pitch, with an extra clear vowel sound.
When you have multiword verbs, stress the right syllable of the first word:
- SALsa dancing,
- HORSEback riding,
- aPARTment hunting.
You’ll stress the rest of the content words normally. Let’s go back to the examples and try stressing them correctly:
- He goes RUNning Every DAY after WORK.
- They’re going BOWLing this WEEKend.
- I’ve gone CAMPing FIVE TIMES this SUMmer.
- She’s been going HIking a LOT REcently.
- My SISter is GOing to go SURFing in PeRU NEXT YEAR.
- SURE, I’ll go SHOPping with YOU!
- We went HORSEback riding during our LAST vaCAtion.
- If I LIVED near a LAKE, I would go KAyaking MORE OFten.
- We could go SALsa dancing on SAturday.
Don’t Overuse Go + ing
Now that you better understand how to use go + ing, here’s a word of caution.
When people first learn this grammar structure, they tend to overuse it with verbs that just don’t fit.
There are a lot of verbs we use it with, but not all.
It’s important to remember that we use go + ing with verbs that are not followed with an object.
If the verb needs an object, you can’t use go + ing.
For example, it’s not possible to say this: I’m going playing cards this weekend.
Yes, it’s a fun leisure activity, but the word “cards” is the object of the verb play. It doesn’t work.
Instead simply say, “I’m playing cards this weekend.”
We also wouldn’t say: I went studying English at the library.
Besides the fact that studying probably isn’t a leisure activity, it also takes an object.
Instead, you’ll say the following: I studied English at the library yesterday.
We can’t say: I’m going to go practicing piano. Just say: I’m going to practice piano.
Activities We Describe With Go + Ing / Go + Gerund
To review, here are some of the most common activities that we use with go + ing.
While watching the video, be sure to listen for the stress in each example.
List of Common Activities We Use with Go + Ing:
- go running
- go walking
- go hiking
- go trekking
- go backpacking
- go climbing
- go mountain climbing
- go snowshoeing
- go skiing
- go snowboarding
- go ice skating
- go rollerblading
- go skating
- go roller skating
- go inline skating
- go biking
- go mountain biking
- go bike riding
- go surfing
- go swimming
- go sailing
- go kayaking
- go paddleboarding
- go fishing
- go scuba diving
- go horseback riding
- go bowling
- go dancing
- go salsa dancing
- go swing dancing
- go shopping
- go hunting
- go bargain hunting
- go apartment hunting
- go job hunting
- go apple picking
- go berry picking
If you can think of any others, please leave them in the comments.
Because go +ing is so common in English (especially when making small talk about weekend plans), it is extremely important to use it correctly.
Improving your usage of go +ing is an easy way to sound more natural in English.
Your Turn
Now that we’ve looked at a long list of activities that we can use with the verb go + ing, try using one in an example in the comments.
If you’re still not sure if we can use go + ing with a certain verb, leave a comment and let me know which verb you’re wondering about. I’ll let you know if it makes sense in this context.

thanks . it was really useful for me. an English teacher from Iran.
Loved your mini mini lesson. Thanks!
Thanks! This is such a common challenge.
I go to schooling.
I am going to go swimming this weekend
That’s perfect! Keep using it correctly. 🙂
I am going to go studying English language this weekend and I am going to preparing my English presentation for next Monday. My presentation goes about the British New Year celebrations, some old Scottish habits during that time and some New Year’s resolutions.
Hi Ronald! We actually don’t say “go studying” – this grammar structure is only used for physical activities like “go bowling” or “go swimming.” In addition, you would say “I am going to prepare for my presentation next Monday” because you’re using “going to” to talk about a future plan. A lot of people confuse these two structures, but they are actually different uses of “go.” I encourage you to re-read the lesson and try another example!
I am going fishing on this weekend.
I am going to go fishing on this weekend.
Both of these uses of go +ing are correct, but we don’t use the preposition “on” with this weekend. This weekend is a special case where there’s no preposition.
I am going swimming.
I am going to go swimming.
please ca you tell me what is the correct one? or both are correct
Both are correct – good job! The first one would be used for something that is happening in the very near future (right about now), and the second would be for something happening in the near future (usually with a specific mention of when).
I UNDRESTAND THAT GO+ING is use for activities for fun in our free time in near future?is it right?
In general, go +ing/gerund is used for free time activities. But you can use this form with any verb tense, changing the form of “go.” For example, “I went running this morning” or “We’re going to go kayaking next summer.” Hope that helps!
I am going trekking this weekend
Thanks Kim!
Well done! Have fun 🙂
This article is very informative. Thank you for posting it.
Go showing her how to do that. Is that correct?
No, it’s not. “Show” is not one of the verbs we use with this grammar construction. We would say “Go show her how to do that” or “Go tell him that we’re ready.”
This was a very informative article. From now on, I will visit this page before teaching any grammar 😁
I’m happy it helped you!
You saved my life thank you
Concerning the following activities : watching TV and surfing the internet we can’t use go+ing simply because the two activities are followed by an object. Right? So I can’t say : I go watching tv
I go surfing the internet
I really need your help
Thank you
You are right – we don’t say “go watching tv” or “go surfing the internet.” The verbs take an object, and they’re also passive activities. We generally use this structure for activities that involve movement or gathering resources (shopping, hunting).
What a great explanation for Non-native English learners even teachers !!
I sincerely appreciate everything you share here.
Thank you so much, again!
-JC from Korea
You’re right – this is equally as helpful for teachers who need to explain this common structure! I’m happy my resources have been helping you.
My daughter’s teacher has taught them they need to use the ING form after to go. I definitely don’t agree with this, and totally think Go + verb ING is used to talk about activities, like to go fishing, etc.
This is what she has aksed the students to write in their notebooks:
A:”I’m tired!”
B: “Why don’t you go sleeping?”
Thinking that my daughter had made a mistake in copying the lesson, I told her the B phrase was wrong and that it should be :” Why don’t you go sleep” or “Why don’t you go to sleep?”
She wrote it down and asked her teacher, who responded both my suggestions were wrong and “Why don’t you go sleeping?” wass the only correct way of making this suggestion.
Can you please confirm which proposition is correct?
I really don’t see when we’d use “to go sleeping”
Thanks a lot
You’re correct – we would not use the word “sleep” in this particular construction. I would say, “Why don’t you go to sleep?” You’re also right that people will sometimes say “Why don’t you go sleep?” or “Why don’t you go play?”, but this is a more informal, everyday expression, used in casual speech. You’ll also hear us say, “Why don’t you go to bed?” This is a confusing language construction, and I’m glad you’re helping your daughter learn the correct way to say it!
Hi Kim, I find it very useful and easy to understand, hope you can keep doing works like this.
My sentences could be: I love to go riding bicycle with my buddies. Is it ok? please let me know it.
I’m glad this helped you! To say your example the right way, you can simply say “I love to go biking with my buddies.” Remember, we don’t use this particular structure with verbs that require an object.
What a great explanation!
Thank you for sharing your expertise .
My students are never sure which to use.
Go riding/ go cycling/ go biking
As an English person I use them like this….
I love going cycling when the weather is nice.
I go cycling at the weekend.
I often go riding
( Horse riding)
‘Go biking’ is typically used for motorbikes.
Let’s go biking .
Thanks for sharing your examples.
You bring up a good point – which verb you use for these activities really depends on the region / variety of English you’re speaking!
Here in the US, it’s not as common to use “cycling” for the action, but you would use “cyclist” for the person doing the action, especially someone who frequently rides a bicycle. I think it’s more common to say “go bike riding.”
We also tend to use “biker” for someone who often rides motorcycles. But it can be used for people who ride bicycles / bikes as well. It’s helpful to clarify what exactly you’re riding, if it’s not clear from the context.
To be honest, I’m more likely to talk about “going for a long bike ride” or “riding my bike” than using this structure.
We tend to specify “horse riding” or “horseback riding” in casual conversations about hobbies. If you’re talking to people who ride horses regularly, then you could simply say “riding.” As always, context matters.
It’s so interesting how things are slightly different across varieties of English!
With regards to the present continues, They are going skiing this afternoon. I thought we use this when we are doing it at the time of speaking? If not, I play the guitar, but I’m not playing now. Please explain more about “this afternoon” phrase. thank you!^^
While the present continuous is often used to talk about actions happening at the moment of speaking, it is also used to describe plans happening in the near future. We often ask “What are you doing this weekend?” or “Where are you going tonight?” because these plans are unlikely to change. I talk about this in more detail in this audio lesson: https://englishwithkim.com/present-continuous-simple-present-future-meaning-arrangements-schedules/
Would it be correct if I say, “I’m going to hunt a tiger”? ‘A tiger’ is the object here according to the rule you explained above. Thank you.
Yes, that’s correct. You’re being specific about what you’re planning to hunt. You’d say “I’m going hunting” if you’re simply talking about the activity.
Is it correct to say “Every day I get up early and go running for 20 minutes”? It’s said that we can’t add a period of time after “go” since it’s a non-durative verb.
Yes, you can say that you “go running for 20 minutes.” I can think of other examples where people will use a period of time after “go,” such as “I go to the gym for 20 minutes every day after work” and “He’s going to Europe for three months next summer.” However, it would not make sense to say something like “They go for three hours.” But you could say “They go hiking for three hours every Saturday.” In my experience, most rules in English are not absolute and always depend on usage in context.
Hi Kim, Thanks very much for the useful information you shared.
I would like to ask if can we use “play something” as a leisure activity in the same structure.
“I am going to go playing basketball tomorrow”
“I am going to go to play basketball tomorrow.”
Which one is correct?
Thanks for the thoughtful question! No, we can’t use “play something” in these examples. If the verb needs an object, you can’t use go + ing. This means you can say “I’m going to play basketball tomorrow” or even “I’m playing basketball tomorrow.” I talk more about how to use “play” in this article: https://englishwithkim.com/use-play-sports-games/
Hi Kim
Thanks a lot for your help. I really appreciate it.
How can we use the structure after preposition? For example, is it right the following?
“We are planning on going swimming this weekend?
Thsnks in advance.
Yes, your example is correct. We use the -ing form of “go” after a preposition combination.
Thank you for the nice explanation!
I am just wondering if it would be possible to say; I am going cards playing with my pals tonight. Or something like: I am going clothes buying with Jessica in the afternoon.
I mean, probably it is not correct at all, but I would like to know if this would be a way in which we could use a verb that takes an object with this structure.
Great question – experimenting with the structure is a great way to ensure you remember how to use it.
We don’t use go +ing with card games, board games, or video games. We simply use the verb “play.” In this case, it would be best to say “I’m playing cards with my friends tonight.” You can refer to someone as a card player, board gamer, or video gamer. My article on play + noun is no longer available, but you can find my graphic lesson here.
You can use “clothes shopping” with go +ing, but not “clothes buying.” You could say “I’m going clothes shopping with Jessica in the afternoon” or “I’m going shopping for clothes this afternoon.” We often talk about grocery shopping as well.
A trick for figuring out if a phrase sounds natural is to search for it within quotation marks (“”) on Google. You can quickly see whether it is commonly used in headlines and articles. When you search for “go clothes shopping,” there are tons of results, including headlines. When you search for “go clothes buying,” there are only a few results, mostly casually written comments or spam comments. Interestingly, there are a few results in advertisements from very old newspapers, which shows you that the usage has evolved!
Of course, if you say these phrases, people will totally understand you, which is what matters most.
First of all, thank you. Nice explanation. I’m not a native speaker, and don’t know grammar much, but “We go hunting birds every winter.”, sounds to me more natural than “We go to hunt birds every winter.”, and an object is used directly after “hunting”, could you please clarify this? Would it be correct to say “hunting birds” in the case mentioned above? Or still an object should be avoided?
Hi Albert! As I mentioned, we do not use this structure when there’s an object following the verb. You would either say “We go hunting every winter” or “We hunt birds every winter.” You will not use the base form of the verb after “go to.” Hope that helps!
Dear Kim, thanks for the great article. Could I say ”I love/like going swimming/shopping/hiking with my friends?”
Yes, all of those examples are correct and sound natural!
Thanks, Kim, for the great article. Could I say ”I love/like going shopping/swimming/hiking?”
Happy it helped!
Hello, how to say 2 things together.
Going camping and going hiking is fun?
Going camping and going hiking are a lot of fun?
Which is right ? Thank you.
If you have two gerunds with “going,” then you want to use the plural form of the verb: Going camping and going hiking are a lot of fun.
This is the most thorough explanation I found. I thank you a lot! You are amazing!
I’m happy to hear that. I’m glad you found it helpful!
Hi Kim,
How can I describe the function of gerund after ‘go’? Is it an object or an adverbial?
I believe the gerund is simply a verb in this case. At times, it can be hard to categorize certain words. This article might help answer your question: http://www.onestopenglish.com/methodology/teaching-tips/ask-the-experts/grammar-questions/grammar-the-syntactic-function-of-ing-forms/146363.article
Hi Kim,
Is this sentence correct? it is in a learning language book from Cambridge,
“You are going to listening to Mark and Jane discussing the food festival”
If this is from a language learning book, it looks like a typo. It should say “going to listen to.” You have a great eye for noticing that mistake!
Hello, thanks for the explanation… Im having a hard time telling the differences between:
“I always go swimming” vs. ” I always go to swim”
“Sometimes I go skiing in winter” vs. “Sometimes I go to ski in winter”
And even with an example you used above: “My sister is going to go surfing in Peru next year” … what would be the difference with ” My sister is going surfing in Peru next year”
“I always go swimming” and “Sometimes I go skiing in winter” are correct. We do not say “go to swim” or “go to ski.” With regards to the example, both would be okay. Whether you use “going to go surfing” or “going surfing” would depend on how far this trip is in the future. If it’s November or December, it would be okay to say “going surfing” because “next year” is just a month or two away. If it’s earlier in the year, it would be more natural to say “going to go surfing” since the plan is in the more distant future.
These two articles will help you understand why: https://englishwithkim.com/future-forms-decisions-predictions/ and https://englishwithkim.com/present-future-meaning-plans-schedules/
i like skiing / i like to ski / i like to go skiing… I can´t tell which one is the correct. Thank you so much!
These are all correct. Which one you choose depends on your meaning. This article will help you understand the subtle difference between the gerund and infinitive after like: https://englishwithkim.com/recognize-gerunds-infinitives/ Personally, I would probably say “I like to go skiing” because we’re talking about the whole activity, not just the action.
Hi Kim,
I’m Silvia, English teacher from Mexico. I want to say I am very impressed with your page. Simply loved it! and find it very clear, informative, practical and very useful for students and non-native speakers of English.
Thanks for the kind words, Silvia! I’m glad that you find my explanations clear and informative.
Hi, Im quite confused. Is it correct to say ” I’m going biking? or I’m going to go biking?
Both sentences are grammatically correct. Which one is better depends on context. We generally use the present continuous with a future meaning when talking about plans we have already made for the near future (tomorrow, this weekend, this month). We can use “going to” in those situations as well, but we can also say something like “I’m going to go biking as often as possible this fall.”
thank a million Kim am really intrested in you explainations i real apriciate it because it moved me some where by giving me much understanding
I’m happy to hear this helped you better understand how to use go+ing!
Thanks Kim, you are really wonderful. I have gained a lot from your explanation.
But pls, can you explain what a catenative verb is for me? And if there is an article or link that deals with semantic implications of the catenative verb, pls I need it. Thanks alot
Catenative verbs are those that can be directly followed by another verb, like “like” or “enjoy.” I would encourage you to do a Google search for the fine details of your request, as this seems like something a linguist would be interested in exploring.
When do we use gerund(ing) after using ‘to’
E.g looking forward to seeing you
You use the gerund after “to” when it’s being used as a preposition or preposition combination, such as “looking forward to.” This article will help: https://englishwithkim.com/recognize-gerunds-infinitives/
It is really helpful. Thanks a million.
You’re most welcome!
Hi, firstly I’d like to say your article is Teriffic. 😊
I would like to know if it’s correct to say, Excuse me while I go crying in the corner.
Thanks – glad it helped! The use of “go” you’re talking about is different than the one in this video. The correct use would be “go cry.” I believe this is a shortened way to say “go and [another verb].” For example, you could say, “I’m going to go call my parents to thank them for the present.”
Thank you for pointing that out it’s very informative. 🌸❤
Thank you very much, Kim.
This is the only site where I found this subject clear enough. I understood it.
Sorry, my English isn’t good. But at least, it let me thank you your lesson.
Now I can teach this lesson to my daughters 🙂
Thank you for the kind words. I’m glad this helped you understand. Teaching your daughters will help you better understand and remember how to use this tricky grammar structure.
Go + Ving and Come+ Ving. Are they Gerund or Present Participle?
My understanding is that the V+ing form is a gerund, but you will find people refer to the V+ing form with other terms as well. This comment gives a few other terms. What’s more important is whether people understand you when you’re using go +ing.
In my exam I put this question: Let’s go ……… then I put choices (hike / hiking / to hiking ) Most of them chose ( to hiking ). I want to be sure that it is wrong choice and I want to explain to them why it is a wrong choice
The correct choice is “hiking.” I find that people often say “to hiking” because they’re used to following the verb “go” with the preposition “to.” This is a special grammar structure, and that’s why it takes practice to use it comfortably.
Hi Kim. I know that this is not exactly what you were teaching, but in the sentence “We are going camping next weekend.”, would the word “camping” be part of the verb phrase or a gerund?
Hi Geneva! In that example, “camping” is part of the “go + ing” construction. “Going” is the verb being conjugated. My understanding is that the -ing form in the “go +ing” is a gerund, but grammarians have different perspectives. This comment on a grammar message board gives a few more possibilities.
I posted this on my Face Book: “Attending this conference” and added a link. What I meant was “I will be going to this conference” but Face Book being very informal I choose for the former. A friend complained and said “I thought you were attending this conference this afternoon and so I didn’t call you”. If she would have clicked the link she would have learned that the conference was only in two weeks time. Anyways..a dispute started about gerund phrases..I am adamant my posting was correct and to be interpreted as something in the future. An announcement. A promise. Am I right or wrong?
(I am not native English but spent 8 years in USA, UK)
I’m not a grammarian, nor have I used Facebook in years. I’m also one of those people who still writes informal messages in complete sentences. With that said, it seems to me that “attending this conference” could refer to the present moment or future plans: (“I will be attending this conference” vs “I”m currently attending this conference”). In normal conversations, this is where context clues, such as date, time, and location, help us determine the meaning. Informal language in texts, emails, and messages on social media can easily be misinterpreted. This seems like one of those times.
Hi! This is really helpful! I came across a problem as I was teaching this the other day. Stretching!
I just finsihed explaing to my class we almost always use go with ing activities and then one student threw out stretching. I said, “ok, you got me!”
I explained that some words just don’t fit this pattern and stretching is one of them. We don’t go stretching, we do stretching.
Any suggestions on how best to explain this? Any other examples of ing activities that don’t work?
In my experience, there are always exceptions and examples that don’t quite fit, and there isn’t always an easy explanation for why. When I used to teach in the classroom, I had two cards under the whiteboard that said “natural” and “awkward.” My students got used to the idea that an expression might not be grammatically “wrong,” but most people wouldn’t use it in actual speech, which made it sound “awkward.”
With stretching, I think it would sound more natural to use the actual verb (I stretch for 10 minutes every morning) or to use do + noun (I like to do some stretches after I go running). In this case, “stretches” would follow the do + noun pattern. My article on do + noun is no longer available, but you can find my graphic lesson here with more examples. I would say that stretching probably falls under the gym-based/martial arts categories of physical activity, like yoga, aerobics, etc.
One trick for figuring out if people actually use an expression is to search for it inside quotation marks on Google: “do stretching.” If you don’t find it within the top results, then it’s probably not that common to say. In the search results here, you can see that there are non-native speakers asking about “do stretching” as well as articles that say “do stretching exercises.” When searching for “do stretches,” you can find an interesting discussion thread, which includes a comment on how to make “do stretching” sound more natural using a quantifier.
Don’t forget wine-tasting!
That’s another one!
I have found this sentence in a book:
I still don’t undertand why here was used GO + -ING
In this example, they’re not using the go + ing structure. Instead, they omitted extra words to make the sentence shorter and less repetitive, which left the words “gone” and “wearing” next to each other. Here’s a longer version of the sentence, with the omitted, but implied, words between brackets []. If I had known it was a formal party, I wouldn’t have gone [there/to the party] [while] wearing jeans and a jumper.
Can we say “go watching a play/movie”?
No, that doesn’t work, because the verb “watch” takes an object (play or movie). You may hear people say “Let’s go watch a movie” – that’s short for “go and watch.”
My friends go climbing in the mountains with me.
Great use of this structure!
Hello Kim,
Thanks for your great and complete explanation.
I have two questions.
1. We can’t say “I go picking apple” because “apple” is considered an object here. But we can say “I go apple picking”. What is the role of “apple” in the second sentence?
2. There are other examples like the first one I wrote.
-“Go hunting apartment” is NOT ok but “Go apartment hunting” is.
-“Go dancing salsa” is NOT ok but “Go salsa dancing” is.
-“Go climbing the mountain” is NOT ok but “Go mountain climbing” is.
Can I do this with other things? I mean can I just move the object and put it before the verb to make it fit this grammar?
Like “Go piano practicing” or “Go card playing”
Thank you in advance for sparing time to help me out!
Hi Mina,
Thanks for the interesting questions! In the examples you’ve provided, the first word (apple, apartment, salsa, mountain) describes the -ing form, which I believe is a gerund. You can move the object before the gerund in other examples, such as “weight lifting.” However, you’ve provided two examples where this doesn’t really work with the go +ing structure: “play” and “practice.”
Because we’re talking about tendencies in spoken English, there aren’t always precise rules or clear explanations for why some verbs work and others don’t. Instead, you have to remind yourself that this is simply how the language is spoken. I’m not a grammarian, and my focus is on spoken English, which is what I’m encouraging you to think about here. You would actually have to dig really deep into grammar research literature to find people analyzing this structure and explaining how it evolved. I found this discussion with some links to research papers if that interests you.
It is awesome to question what you’ve learned and try to apply it to other examples. That’s what helps you remember what you’ve learned and feel more comfortable using these structures. I also encourage you to listen for people using this structure in everyday conversations, movies, videos, podcasts, etc. That will help give you a clearer sense of how the structure is actually used!
Thanks Kim.
‘Let’s go shopping.’ and ‘Let’s go eat.’ but not ‘let’s go eating.’ Why?
Those examples are actually versions of two different structures. My understanding is that “go +ing” comes from the structure “go a-[verb]ing,” such as what you hear in the classic Christmas carol, “Here we come a-caroling” (or a-wassailing). “Let’s go eat” comes from “Let’s go and eat.” We tend to drop syllables that aren’t necessary for meaning. Over time, we’ve dropped the “a” and the “and” (which is often shortened to /n/, as you hear in these phrases with “and”). This is just how the language has evolved. I’m sure a linguist or a grammar historian would have very interesting insights on why!
Hi Kim,
I’m trying to find some non-recreational versions of go ___ing, but I can only think of… go searching for, go looking for, go head hunting, go scouting for, go cleaning, etc.
Are there more?
The non-recreational forms of go +ing are generally related to hunting and gathering: go apartment hunting, go berry picking, etc. You bring up a good point – we do say “go searching for,” “go looking for,” and “go scouting for.” I wonder if that’s because they’re also related to hunting or scouting for things. I don’t think “go cleaning” or “go head hunting” are commonly used. If you’re wondering if a certain example works, try searching for the term in between quotation marks on Google and see if people are using them in articles, video titles, discussions, etc. For example, if you search “go cleaning,” you find a number of business names, but no other examples in written form. You’ll have to look at the results carefully and pay attention to context and if it seems like something people regularly say.
What about
“You go showering in a bit” ?
We don’t use go + shower. Instead, try “Are you going to take a shower in a bit?”