Intentional English Intensive

Communicate Clearly with Stress and Intonation

You want to feel confident that people will understand
(and, more importantly, listen to) what you have to say.

You'd like to use your voice to clearly communicate
your meaning and your message

These stress and intonation courses will show you
how to speak English more intentionally.

Want to find your voice in English and improve how you sound?

The Intentional English Intensive bundle includes three full-length courses: Stress Simplified, Intonation Clinic, and 30 Days of Intonation.

When you invest in this bundle and commit to practicing over the course of four months, you'll achieve the following:

Intentional English Intensive - Bundle of Stress and Intonation Courses
  • You'll master word and sentence stress so that you speak more clearly and people understand what you say.
  • You'll be able to use stress and intonation effectively, and break your ideas into thought groups so that they're easier for people to follow and remember.
  • You'll feel more confident controlling and changing your pitch and leveraging your voice so that you can express precisely what you mean through American intonation patterns.
  • You'll be able to apply what you've learned to some of the most common words and expressions in American English so that you sound more natural.
  • You'll use your voice more intentionally and effectively so that your meaning and message are clear.

Here's what you'll find inside the Intentional English Intensive.

Stress Simplified

Stress Simplified will teach you how to speak clearly through word and sentence stress and thought groups so that people will definitely understand what you say.

When you improve how you stress your speech, your voice sounds more natural, your pitch is more expressive, your words are more clear and easy to understand, your ideas have more flow, and you'll no longer have to repeat yourself as often!

Intonation Clinic

Intonation Clinic will teach you how to create the melody and music of English with your voice so that you sound more interesting, more engaging, and more natural when you speak.

You’ll feel confident that you’re expressing the right emotions, attitude, and meaning through your tone of voice.

30 Days of Intonation

30 Days of Intonation will get you practicing key intonation patterns in English through the conversational uses of 30 common words, phrases, and expressions.

You'll understand how meaning shifts based on intonation and be able to use these patterns in conversation.

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Chat with Me

If you have questions as you work through the program, you can chat with me on the course site. You can also email me directly or comment on specific lessons.

Get Feedback

As you work on stress and intonation, you may be wondering what you personally need to focus on. Submit two short audio recordings for private written feedback and tips.

Thank you for your interest in the Intentional English Intensive. These courses are not open for enrollment.

What My Students Are Saying

Kim’s coaching philosophy and practices encouraged me to pursue a much more important goal: clear, expressive, effective speech. [That's why] I bought her bundle of programs. After just two weeks, I feel more joy and confidence while speaking with people. One bonus: her loving and energetic personality paired with her excellent teaching skills make your study a happy journey!

-Paula, China (living in the US)

Stress Simplified is exactly what I was looking for. It shows in detail how to apply stress in different situations (word, sentence, thought groups, etc). If, during the course, you have some questions or suggestions, you may contact Kim (via email or chat) and she replies carefully. I really recommend this course, especially to people that speak syllable-timed languages and want to be better understood when speaking English... and who have contact (in person or via phone) with Americans and/or other foreigners frequently, especially in the work environment.

-Fabiana, Brazil

Your self learning program is so good. I can learn to improve my accent at my own free time and pace. I’m loving it!

-Favour, Nigeria (living in the US)

Before taking Intonation Clinic, I was virtually tone-deaf. I never had the opportunity to examine the intonation aspect of speech at such a nuanced level. With this program, my ability to identify and develop pitch variation in speech has improved enormously.

Intonation is that final piece of the accent puzzle that will help any ESL student to put together a more engaging and responsive voice, and Intonation Clinic is that missing link that will help you connect your emotions to your voice.

Students who have already mastered the essentials and wish to work on the musical aspect of American English will find this resource indispensable. I don't think there's any comprehensive course in the market like this one that deals with intonation in such depth. I would highly endorse Intonation Clinic to anyone serious about advancing their fluency to the next level.

-Shikhar, India

After working with you, I feel more confident interacting with people. I can now use my English to get into a deeper conversation, but I wasn’t able to do that before because I was constantly worried about my accent and my intonation. I’m not a perfectionist anymore, once I got rid of the idea of being a perfectionist, I’m actually one step closer to being more perfect.

-Nikki, Japan (living in the US)

I’ve learned that small nuances make a big impact on how people perceive, or receive, my message and that key messages are more important than sounding perfect. What I needed wasn’t perfection, but communication.

-Min Jeong, South Korea (living in the US)

Kim has an engaging and practical way of teaching sounding natural. She is big on "musicality" of English so she trained me hard on intonation and length of pronunciation. She has phenomenal ears that could single out the subtle differences in my accent.

-Carol, China (living in the US)

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    English with Kim 2020