How to Find Focus and Improve Your English More Quickly

Think back to when you first started learning English. Your very first experience studying the language was probably when you were in school. You might not remember exactly what you first worked on, but chances are you started with classroom vocabulary. When you’re learning in the classroom, your teacher is completely in charge of deciding which skills you need to focus on, choosing the most essential language so that you can start communicating, and structuring your learning plan. For … Read the article and watch the video lesson

Nine Ways to Improve Your Intonation for Better Conversations in English

What happens when you’re not really worried about choosing the perfect words to express yourself anymore? After all, you’ve been speaking English both professionally and personally for years, and you know you’ve got a great vocabulary! If you’re like most non-native English speakers I work with, that’s when you start stressing about your pronunciation, wondering how you can finally get those tricky vowels right, and looking for ways to improve how you sound. This is great, but … Read the article and watch the video lesson